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Article from TNU JULY 2023

AND FINALLY: We invented it first

The world of VTOL, or even E-VTOL, is supposed to be with us soon – city centre passenger travel by air.  

But have we seen it all before?  There is the Chinook, a large twin-engined helicopter that in the Falklands carried up to 89 people, although is more comfortable with just 20 passengers but it is really a military machine.  And in the late 1950s we had the Fairey Rotodyne, a Battersea Heliport regular, 190mph, up to 48 passengers and enough range to make Paris with ease, an air show sensation.  But politics killed it off.  But as with all helicopters, both were (still are in the case of the Chinook), very noisy.

Enough said.  “Don’t fly over my house.”

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