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Article from TNU AUGUST 2023

+ ON THE SOAPBOX: Rob Burgess, Head for Points & British Airways

Rob Burgess, proprietor and founder of Head for Points (HfP), has sounded out on British Airways (BA) following a feature by John Arlidge in The Sunday Times 9 July. 

The Sunday Times piece was not kind to former Chairman Alex Cruz and hardly mentions Willie Walsh, the Irishman responsible for an Iberia rescue act culminating with the reverse takeover of BA and creating its parent company, International Airlines Group (IAG).

Burgess, a former City banker, founded the loyalty programme in 2011.  It now has 25 million page views per year and 550,000 monthly unique visitors.

The Head for Points feature highlights the newspaper's article with the headline “BA throws Alex Cruz under a bus”.  It is also a fine preview of where BA is going and what we should expect for the future.

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Jim Blue, London

Worrying. BA does 'Fly the Flag' for Britain.

Joan Acre, Jersey

British Airways seems to be on the road of recovery from the Walsh/Cruz era, but the latest boss, Doyle, has to be seen about. He is the chief salesman. Some may remember Colin Marshall.

Chris Pocock,

A recent WHICH survey of 1,500 pax placed BA 18th amongst the major carriers, and described the (formerly) world's favourite airline as "mediocre". Mr Doyle and his sidekick Calum Laming have a lot of work to do...

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