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Article from TNU NOVEMBER 2023

+ Global Airlines - Still on course for next year.

When Global Airlines was announced in July of this year TNU noted that starting a new airline was a very complex business and one way around the legal and technical problems was to piggyback off an existing licensed carrier. 

This was how easyJet was launched back in 1995 using GB Airways, and Air Foyle and owning the aircraft. Global is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Holiday Swap Group and is led by Chief Executive Officer James Asquith.

The embryo airline has now purchased four redundant Airbus A380 aircraft probably to be based at Gatwick Airport with New York as the initial route sometime in 2025. With the Maltese registration of 9H-GLOBL the first Global aircraft is expected to fly in the months ahead.

Global has taken a similar route as easyJet to get airborne but in this case its partner is Lisbon-based Hi-Fly who has experience of the passenger friendly aircraft.  

One problem still to be resolved is that Hi-Fly is a European airline.  Global Airlines is a UK-registered company headquartered in London.  The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will be monitoring the set-up very carefully.


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John Jones, UK

Just wondering about the fifth freedom aspect of a EU reg operating LGW/JFK

John Jones, UK

Just wondering about the fifth freedom aspect of a EU reg operating LGW/JFK

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