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Article from TNU NOVEMBER 2023

AND FINALLY: Pigs do fly

John Moore-Brabazon, Lord Brabazon of Tara, had a reputation as a joker.  When he heard the expression “Pigs don’t fly” he took it literally and in 1909 put one in the air.  Little did he know that 50 years later the Bristol Brabazon, given his name in honour of his work as Minister of Aviation Production in the early part of WWII, was also something of a pig in the air “underpowered and very slow to respond to the controls” according to a report.

Stewart Wingate, CEO, Gatwick Airport, drew attention during his recent Brabazon Lecture for the Royal Aeronautical Society, that cargo was a major sector of the airline/airport business.  But whether the flying pig is part of the scenario is a mute point.

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