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Article from TNU SEPTEMBER 2024

TNU September 2024.

Air & Business Travel News (ABTN
) was created in the 1980s as a printed news sheet, went electronic around the turn of the century as Business Travel News (BTN) – still offering a very much live archive, and emerged in its monthly current form named Travel News Update (TNU) two years ago, having survived Covid.

For the future the plan is to leave the news for those who produce words on a daily/weekly basis.  With ON THE SOAPBOX TNU will continue to invite industry leaders to offer their personal opinions on travel affairs, COMMENT remains the Editor-in-Chief’s outlet for his industry views, ON TOUR highlights travel in its purest sense, CRUISING still grows as a popular holiday genre, and MOTORING is retained.  AND FINALLY is just that.  

TNU is planning for the future.  Malcolm Ginsberg, the Editor-in-Chief, at 81 is ready to step back, allowing for his enormous experience as a writer, publisher and public relations expert to be passed on to others.

An invitation is invited to any journalist or entrepreneur interested in creating a partnership.  TNU is also looking for a banner sponsor wishing to reach out to a worldwide and influential readership.


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