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+ COMMENT: Drones can be a menace

The Drone and Model Aircraft Code

“Smoking is Dangerous” used to been seen on all UK cigarette packing, but the wording has changed due to intense lobbying by the tobacco industry. So is flying an unmanned aerial, better known as a drone or UAV.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) very neatly sums up the drone rules in a web message.  It assumes that since you are intelligent enough to fly a drone you will be able to read this notice.  

The rules apply to everyone, but you do not need to register as an operator if you only use a drone or model aircraft that weighs below 250g and is a toy or does not have a camera.

The rules are easily summed up.

1.    You are responsible for flying safely whenever you fly
2.    Always keep your drone or model aircraft in direct sight
3.    Fly below 120m (400ft)
4.    Do not fly closer to people than 50m
5.    Never fly over crowds
6.    Keep at least 150m away from residential, leisure, and commercial sites
7.    Stay away from any airport or flight restriction zone
8.    Check for hazards
9.    Check for any special local authorisation

“Flying a Drone can be dangerous” should be labelled on all British sales on every UK delivery of an unmanned aerial vehicle.  That is TNU’s view!  Legislation should be introduced regarding this sales notice before we have an accident.  And well done the CAA.


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sue Smith, United Kingdom

The editor is right. Drones are dangerous. If kid on the periphery of an airfield looses his machine you trouble.

Joe Smith, United Kingdom

All I can add is that Drones are an accident waiting to happen. One kid on the periphery of an airfield loses his machine you trouble.

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