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Article from TNU JUNE 2024

AND FINALLY: Gatwick Airport in Paris charity ride

A team of 28 Gatwick Airport employees, including Stewart Wingate, Chief Executive, have raised more than £37,000 for charity in a three-day bike ride from the airport to Paris.

The team was made up of colleagues from across the airport, including engineers, security officers, fire fighters and executive leadership, pedalling more than 200 miles to support local charities.  

For many this was a huge personal challenge, having never ridden this distance before, routing Gatwick to Newhaven and then on to Paris and the Eiffel Tower. 

At airport owner VINCI Group headquarters they were greeted and congratulated on their achievement by Xavier Huillard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of VINCI, and Nicolas Notebaert, Chief Executive Officer, VINCI concessions.









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