Article from TNU JUNE 2024

Farnborough Drone Show 2024

What will dominate this year's Farnborough Airshow 22−26 July?

Farnborough, and for that matter Paris in alternate years, were the places that the commercial aircraft manufacturers unveiled their latest products and announced, usually vast, orders.

Not so any longer.  

We are now down to two major airframe producers (no Russians, and whatever the Chinese come up with) and neither Airbus nor Boeing are likely to announce entirely new airframes this time around.  Yes, the engines are tweaked but you cannot see that!

It could well be that drones, of all types, dominate the event, but at the same time will their developers and manufacturers want to be seen in public?  The events happening in Ukraine, Russia itself, and the Middle East add stealth to the skies.

Thursday 25 July is being promoted as the Global Urban & Advanced Air Summit, highlighting urban and advanced air mobility and the world of Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL).

With the previously immensely popular public days on the final Saturday and Sunday no longer, the Friday will feature “Pioneers of Tomorrow” with more details available next month, aimed at young people seeking careers in aerospace.

The great strength of Farnborough is its ability to bring together the aerospace, aviation and defence industries to network with key decision-makers.  That has not changed, the venue now promoting itself as a major exhibition and conference centre.  The International Space Show will take place at Farnborough 19–20 March 2025.

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