Written for the Jewish New Year in October, and updated.
With 5785 looming up, Thursday 3 October 2024, this is the annual time when we bring you up to date on the Linda and Malcolm Ginsberg family and wish you a happy and healthy 12 months and well over the Fast.
We start by recalling grandson Natan’s Barmitzvah 29 May, and brother Warren’s MBE, received at Windsor Castle from Princess Anne with Carole, Nikki and Robert attending. Both very special memorable occasions.
Just to bring you up to date Jackie and Mike are still at Nash Mills, near Hemel Hempstead, owners of a camper van, great for touring with a dog. Jake (23), works as an assistant during term time at Borehamwood Oaklands College, where his technical knowledge with stage support is much appreciated. He is also retained by an entertainment enterprise for gigs, presentations and high value parties plus festivals. Alex (19) has passed the driving test and is in his second year at UCFB Manchester Campus , devoted to the football industry.
With Sharon, Gabriella (17) is in what we like to call “The lower sixth”, at Hasmonean (Jewish) Grammar School, has begun driving lessons, and just been joined at school by Abigail (12). Natan (13) has successfully started full time at Roman Fields in Hemel Hampstead. Paul, once again a British subject, has purchased a property in Glasgow, completing a coaching course in ADHD.
We joined U3A (University of the Third Age) and partake in the weekly Stanmore topical discussion meetings. Thought provoking and our age group.
The 7th October is Malcolm’s birthday and the 50th anniversary of the 1973 Golda Meir Yom Kippur war.
West End shows included Crazy for You. We booked P&O Iona, then cancelled due to Linda’s Covid, and managed to join the ship on the next cruise. No more P&O for us however! https://www.travelnewsupdate.co.uk/article/479
For us the balance of 2023 was highlighted with Livy Saunders (Warren Ginsberg’s Granddaughter) Barmitzvah. Our Golden Wedding 2nd December (with the party in the Eric Morecambe Suite at Kenilworth Road, Luton FC the next day)
Malcolm’s cousin Ivan celebrated his 100 th birthday with congratulations from both King Charles III and Chief Rabbi Mirvis, and then called it a day.
Next up Limmud for the annual gathering at the end of the year. The Sharon Ross family joined us and Malcolm gave very successful talks on Cruising and flights into Israel.
For Malcolm 2024 commenced with a Luton FA Cup home game v Bolton, 2-0, a rare win as the season ended with relegation from the Premier League. However visiting Old Trafford (Manchester United), Stamford Bridge (Chelsea), and Emirates (Arsenal) in the sponsors box was great fun. We did beat Everton away and Newcastle at home, and secured a memorable draw with Liverpool, also at Luton’s Kenilworth Road.
At the end of the January it was off on BA (Economy – awful) to Istanbul to join Viking Saturn, a rather bland ship, five-star maybe we did enjoy Istanbul but not our style of cruising. However, we have booked Viking St Louis to Memphis summer 2025 on the Mississippi. MG will report on it but he's not a media guest!
Dinner guests in late January included Helen (nee Mann) and Leslie Kingston, sadlyHelen, a school friend of Linda, was to pass away in September. She had married Leslie, a friend of Malcolm well over 50 years ago.
Malcolm then got involved with the only automatic Lotus ever built and later in the year attended the Classic Team Lotus Garden Party.
February saw Linda and Malcolm in Malaga for a week, joining Linda’s school friend Vivian Grant (nee Blake) and husband Brian who have lived in Montreal for many years.
Malcolm has more or less given up road tests, or they have given him up. In February
he tried the Dacia Jogger, 7 seats, cheap and awful. It never made Travel News Update.
March meant a visit to Southwark to see a play about Cable Street, set in the 1930’s. Terrific. Backstairs Billy and the Queen Mum was seen and also very good.
At this time Malcolm began to get involved volunteering with the De-Havilland Museum at Hatfield. It’s not been that successful as it means standing around a great deal, which does not work out for him.
April saw us back at sea again on Ambassador Ambition, a real quality budget enterprise. Plymouth gained a shipborne visit including the 17 th century Shul and burial grounds.
May was a memorial service for Stirling Moss at Westminster Abbey with a spectacular turnout.
We flew on easyJet from Luton to Inverness to join Lord of the Highlands for a trip along Loch Ness, Neptune’s Staircase, 17 locks, and finally Kyle of Lochalsh, a coach back to Inverness, and a train to Glasgow, overnighting, seeing Paul and his current residence, a wonderful lunch in a private club, and back to Luton. MG gave a talk comparing this type of ship holiday and deep sea cruising
At the end of May we celebrated Natan’s Barmitzvah at the Sephardi Shul established within Yavneh College in Borehamwood and a short walk from the Ross family home.
In early June we joined Saga Spirit of Adventure for a 12-day trip around the Baltic. Klaipeda (Lithuania) has a small but active Jewish community.
Starlight Express was the big show for July in a specially built theatre within the Wembley Stadium complex. Having been to the original Apollo extravaganza 40 years ago we were disappointed. Perhaps we are getting too old to watch skaters chasing around an auditorium to music.
In August we saw a wonderful performance of Fiddler on the Roof in the open-air Regents Park Theatre. Topol’s own granddaughter was one of the players. It was to run until the end of September. Kiss Me Kate at the Barbican was also very good.
The closing of 5784 could not be more exhausting.
We took the children on RCCL Anthem of the Seas, voted the best family cruise ever. No Davis’s this year but together with nearly 5,000 passengers we really enjoyed ourselves and have booked on the slightly smaller Independence of the Seas for 2025, plus Paul and the aforementioned cousins from Borehamwood.
This was followed by what was supposed to be a rest on Saga Spirit of Adventure into the Med with three sea days to finish. It was broken by an unscheduled day stop at A Coruña (Spain), a fine port to visit, but we are finding the off-ship tours exhausting.
Malcolm then went by himself to Dubai for a two-night stop on QE2. Sadley Cunard has forgotten its great heritage, a wonderful sales ploy. The last time he and Linda had been on board was January 1979. Cunard, for reasons we don't know, seem to have forgotten its history and prestige. Usually we manage a 'trade' visit to a ship but Queen Anne will have to wait until next October when a booking has been made. A preview would have been fun. https://www.travelnewsupdate.co.uk/article/858
Just before the end of the year Paul G took possession of a new flat (new for him) in Glasgow. Looks good.
And as a PS we’ve made some arrangements for next year which include a return ruise on RCCL, but this time Independence of the Seas, with Paul added and the Davis crew from Borehamwood too. For Linda’s not to be mentioned birthday it’s the as mentioned Mississippi with Viking. We are going to try Warner again, but a different hotel, as noted in the review, a sort of 'passport landlocked cruise ship.
From Linda and Malcolm
Klaipeda (Lithuania) has a small but active Jewish community.
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